Gana advocates value-based leadership at Dr. Achema memorial anniversary


….calls for completion of Ajaokuta Steel project

By Steven Atokolo

Former Minister of Information, Prof. Jerry Gana has advocated value-based leadership at the 25th memorial anniversary of Dr. Steven Achema, former aide to President Obasanjo.

According to Gana, one of the things that Nigeria has failed to do is to recognize when to give opportunity to good leaders.

Recognising the important role of followers in leadership, he said “democracy is not delivering in terms of throwing up good leaders because the leadership becomes compromised very easily; very cheaply” and hoped that the leadership institute, which the organizers hope to set up in memory of Dr. Achema will not only really look at leaders, but also how to prepare followers because in a democracy the key thing is really to use your vote excellently to bring up good leaders so that they will govern well forward.

“If you compromise your decision and therefore you vote for mediocre leaders, you have mediocre development, mediocre progress, mediocre this, mediocre, that”.

He hoped that part of what the leadership institute should do is not only to look at the way of raising leaders, but also sharpening Nigerian followers, adding that followers are easily taken away from their leaders.

“One of the problems we have with followers is that, especially when certain factors were introduced, you know what those factors are, then you come you deliver your speech, they’ll say Prof. we’ve heard the English we’ve heard a speech, but…, that is one of the problems of democracy in Nigeria.

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He urged the people to rise above that and go for qualitative leadership, which he defined as “capacity to influence others through inspiration, motivated by passion, generated by clear vision and produced by a strong conviction”.

“Good leaders inspire, good leaders have clear vision, they know where they are going because when you are leading the people you have to be very sure where you’re going. Good leaders have very clear vision and this is one of the things that Dr. Achema really possessed”.

Prof. Gana said Dr. Achema shared a number of his visions and development programme with him, which include completion of Ajaokuta Steel project and transformation of Igala land.

“He loved the Igala people so much; that was why he was very passionate about transforming Igala land”.

He also called for the completion of Ajaokuta Steel project as a fast route to Nigerian development.

The Igala Area Traditional Council, in its tribute captured the “ever-long memory of one of our great icons and a States-man who had a sterling record of service in his professional calling (Veterinary Medicine) that took him to Zenith of the profession with many land-mark achievements bearing his signature across the length and breadth of Nigeria.

The height of his political field of public service was his appointment as a Senior Special Assistant to the then President Olusegun Obasanjo.

“We remember with fond memories his patriotic disposition towards the socio- economic and political developments and unity of our Kingdom, North Central and indeed the entire nation while on this divide”.

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